Hi there! I’m a product designer and behavioral scientist who builds tools to solve the problems of humanity


My Work


My Background

I'm Aditya Mankare, a graduate student studying Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Michigan. Prior to that, I studied Mathematics and Economics at the University of Houston. I am currently interning at Meta where I am designing VR Creation Tools for Horizon Worlds.

I started thinking like a designer when I was building dashboards at Canon and chatbots at Merck. The business impact of user narratives and design in these products inspired me to explore UX in-depth. Now, I specialize in growth/behavioral design and enjoy tinkering with design systems.

Outside of work, I love exploring different worlds through reading books. I also enjoy soccer and am super passionate about photography — you can check out my best photos here! If you want to chat with me, feel free to book my Calendly — always love meeting new people and hearing their stories :)

My Resume

📋 Resume

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